‘Fantastic Four 2′ and ‘Wolverine 3′ Dated for 2017, Along With a Mystery Marvel Movie
Twentieth Century Fox must be happy with 'Fantastic Four,' if the studio is already planning 'Fantastic Four 2,' right?
A rumor circulated recently claiming that Fox was looking to completely start over on the rebooted superhero film with an entirely new cast and crew, though we quickly debunked that one. To further prove how serious they are about their upcoming slate of Marvel movies, the studio set release dates for 'Fantastic Four 2,' 'Wolverine 3' and one untitled Marvel movie.
While 'Fantastic Four' will star Michael B. Jordan (Human Torch), Kate Mara (Invisible Woman), Miles Teller (Mr. Fantastic) and Jamie Bell (The Thing) and kick off principal photography in the coming weeks for a 2015 release, 'Fantastic Four 2' will follow on July 14, 2017. As for the third 'Wolverine' solo movie, 'The Wolverine' director James Mangold stated that filming wouldn't kick off until after 'X-Men: Apocalypse,' and now Fox has dated the next Logan adventure for March 3, 2017.
So far, this give Fox's Marvel movies the following current schedule:
'X-Men: Days of Future Past' -- May 23, 2014
'Fantastic Four' -- June 19, 2015
'X-Men: Apocalypse' -- May 27, 2016
'Wolverine 3' -- March 3, 2017
'Fantastic Four 2' -- July 14, 2017
But what of the mystery Marvel movie? Fox set aside July 18, 2018 for an unannounced superhero project, though we already have a few ideas on what this could possibly be. For one, before Comic-Con 2013 kicked off, it was revealed that 'Kick-Ass 2' director Jeff Wadlow was working on a script for an 'X-Force' movie, the original comics of which followed the likes of 'X-Men' universe characters Cable, Warpath, Deadpool and Canonball.
Also possible but far less likely, considering what development hell it's been through, is that Deadpool movie that's always been lurking in our peripheral. Director Tim Miller revived our hopes when he said what he had planned would be "f--king awesome," but that he was just waiting for the official green light. Ryan Reynolds portrayed the "merc with the mouth" in 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine,' and though he doesn't want to return to the Green Lantern universe, Deadpool is one superhero he's been interested in revisiting.
What do you think? Aside from 'Fantastic Four 2' and 'Wolverine 3,' what mystery Marvel movie do you think is in the works?
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