FOX Orders ‘The Passage’ Adaptation to Fill Your Post-Apocalyptic Vampire Needs
Between The Vampire Diaries and The Strain going off the air, one might think vampires on TV are going extinct. Thankfully, FOX is about to turn that ratio around, adapting Justin Cronin’s post-apocalyptic vampire series The Passage with a little help from Cloverfield and Apes aficionado Matt Reeves.
Per Deadline, FOX has officially granted a pilot order to the adaptation of Cronin’s novel trilogy, which spans over a century from government conspiracy thriller to post-apocalyptic vampire saga. Along to write and executive produce is Friday Night LIghts alum Liz Heldens, joined by War for the Planet of the Apes director Matt Reeves, Scott Free and 20th Century Fox TV.
The Passage was originally optioned for film in 2007 (despite the full novel only being published in 2010), before Fox 2000 sent the project along to 20th Century Fox TV. Second book The Twelve hit shelves in 2012, while third novel The City of Mirrors only arrived this past May of 2016.
Pilot production won’t necessarily guarantee a pickup, but what should fans of Cronin’s novels hope for from a FOX adaptation?
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