‘Game of Thrones’ Season 5: Will Sansa Run Out of Story Material Too?
Yesterday 'Game of Thrones' fans were disheartened (okay, some elated) to learn that at least one major series star would sit out season 5 for lack of story material from series creator George R.R. Martin, leading us to wonder what other characters might run out of road if the 'Song of Ice and Fire' books move too slowly. Most specifically, will Sophie Turner's Sansa Stark be the next casualty of 'Game of Thrones' season 5?
You're warned of a few light spoilers for 'Game of Thrones' seasons 4 and 5, as well as George R.R. Martin's books, but suffice to say, both Sansa and Bran (Isaac Hempstead-Wright) have largely completed their parts in the published 'Ice and Fire' books. The fact that Bran, Hodor and the Reeds arrived at the mysterious "Three-Eyed Raven" in season 4 finale "The Children" clearly impacted their inclusion in season 5, so what of Sansa Stark, who herself has largely run out of story after escaping the late King Joffrey and partnering with Littlefinger (Aiden Gillen) at the Vale?
Thankfully, viewers of HBO's monster hit drama won't have to suffer the loss of a second Stark in season 5, as Turner recently told HitFix that Sansa would indeed be present, albeit with a potentially different story than George R.R. Martin ends up publishing for the character:
Now that the storyline and scripts are kind of going away from the books I decided I'm just going to read the scripts so I don't get confused and read the books later...'Game of Thrones' is so unpredictable and it was a big surprise what is happening to her this season. I am so excited because it gives me the opportunity to work with new people and it goes in a completely different direction. I think the fans will really like where her storyline is going this season.
While we wait for ‘Game of Thrones’ season 5, we know of both returning, and a multitude of other new characters cast, including those that confirm we’ll be visiting the oft-mentioned kingdom of Dorne, for which Spain will double. We’ll also meet fewer new characters in season 5 than in prior years, as the next cycle will prove to be something of a midpoint for the series’ run. As expected, the story will draw heavily from George R.R. Martin‘s fourth and fifth novels, ‘A Feast for Crows’ and ‘A Dance with Dragons,' while HBO has also provided a list of directors.
Few fans would argue that neither Bran nor Sansa's stories have proven the most compelling of the HBO series, but we're glad to see that 'Game of Thrones' won't always be afraid to push past Martin's writing, particularly given the years taken per book. Well, what say you? What do you think Sansa and Littlefinger will get up to in season 5, premiering on HBO in 2015?
(h/t WarmingGlow)
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