Production on Game of Thrones Season 6 has come under more scrutiny than ever, to the point that fans looking for news of Jon Snow may well know the entire arc through the ninth episode. That spoiler train keeps on rolling, as a major sequence from Season 6 may put two long-separated characters back together, and kill off two more.

You’re warned of so very many spoilers from Game of Thrones Season 6 from here on out, but if you’ve been following news of the resurrected Jon Snow (or Stark?), you might have clued into the epic six-sided battle for the North, ostensibly one of the largest sequences ever filmed for the series. Ever vigilant, Watchers on the Wall also managed to confirm a surprising new addition, as Sophie Turner has been observed shooting scenes on the battlefield, potentially reuniting Jon and Sansa.

In fact, WotW claims that “The battlefield has a few Starks, actually, if you count Jon,” also adding that “The battle will have real casualties and we’ll be saying goodbye to some characters … Ramsay Bolton will be displaying at least two bodies upside down on X-crosses, burning during battle. They are known characters.”

Other reports claim that a giant might take place in the fighting, though none of the usual hallmarks of any White Walkers have been observed. Obviously, there’s a lot to unpack, and a season’s worth of explaining to get there, but could that old Stark family meme finally have lifted? Who might wind up at Ramsay Bolton’s mercy? Stay tuned for the latest details as we wait for Game of Thrones Season in 2016!

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