Why, HBO, why?  Why do you insist on torturing us by making the April 1 debut of 'Game of Thrones' Season 2 all the more agonizing with bad-ass new trailers and promotional content?  Haven't we already suffered enough in the wait between George R.R. Martin's books, now you had to up the ante?

First it was the main trailer for the fantasy series' second season, then it was the awesome new poster depicting the stag crown of Westeros under the tagline "War is Coming,"  and now...Florence and the Machine?  That's right!  HBO has seen fit to grace us with yet another full-length trailer for the coming season, which prominently features the song "Seven Devils' by indie-rock group Florence and the Machine!

It's an unusual choice, to be certain, but watch the trailer for yourself and you won't be bothered in the slightest!

Season 2 of ‘Game of Thrones’ adapts its story from the second entry of George R.R. Martin’s ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ series, ‘A Clash of Kings.’  In it, the “War of the Five Kings” begins while different factions vie for the throne of Westeros, left somewhat vacant by the death of King Robert Baratheon, and quickly usurped by his young (suspiciously blonde) son Prince Joffrey.

‘Game of Thrones’ season 2 brings a host of new faces to the HBO adaptation, some of which can be seen for the first time in this latest trailer.  Check it out below, and prepare for war (as well as some serious indie alterna-vibing) when 'Game of Thrones' returns on April 1!

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