Hot Toys Brings Its Movie Magic to SDCC With Incredible Results
On the list of companies that garner the most attention and acclaim from toy collectors, you’ll find Hot Toys very close to the top. The hyper-realistic offerings from the Hong Kong company do fetch a premium price, but there aren’t a lot of competitors that are able to do mixed-media one-sixth scale figures quite like Hot Toys. As always, one of the highlights of San Diego Comic-Con is seeing all the prototypes for upcoming releases at Sideshow Collectibles’ (the U.S. distributor for Hot Toys) booth. With Thor: Ragnarok, Justice League, and Star Wars licenses under its belt, Hot Toys’ SDCC 2017 showings already have us painfully staring at our bank accounts.
First and foremost, the upcoming Justice League line looks so much better than any of the figures we’ve seen from anyone else to this point. While Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman don’t have many noticeable changes to their core costumes, Aquaman and Flash look stellar. Cyborg’s design is still a bit too reliant on CGI improbability to make a convincing toy though. While the heads for Aquaman and Flash are missing from these photos, there are some others floating around that have the Jason Momoa likeness visible. It’s solid.
Thor: Ragnarok is getting a ton of figures, including two new Thors, a new Loki, and a Gladiator Hulk. Hela and Valkyrie are in the mix too, and both the Tessa Thompson and Cate Blanchett portraits are unbelievably accurate. Sadly there doesn’t appear to a a Jeff Goldblum Grandmaster in the set, but that could just mean it wasn't ready for SDCC.
Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2 gets plenty of love with the full team, save for Nebula, all accounted for this time. While the new Drax doesn't differ that much from the extremely delayed version from the first Guardians, it does give collectors some options on which to seek out. That new Yondu is scary accurate, and even though he’s not one of my favorite characters, that figure is so good I might just have to get it anyway.
Beyond Marvel and DC, Back to the Future continues to be a strong part of Hot Toys’ portfolio, with both Marty and Doc getting new BttF II figures for their 1950s incarnations. Valerian gets a little bit of love for Dane DeHaan and Cara Delevingne, too, but it's all the new Star Wars pieces that have us plotting a bank heist to be able to afford them all. Endor Luke and Leia look fantastic, and the new Grand Moff Tarkin is the ultimate figure for fans of Peter Cushing and fascism.
You can check out more of what’s new from Hot Toys at San Diego Comic-Con, including some Netflix Defenders, more Nolan trilogy Batman figures, and Spider-Man: Homecoming pieces, over on Sideshow’s official blog.