Jon Stewart Returns to TV For Four-Year HBO Deal
Former Daily Show host Jon Stewart seemed to take some well-deserved rest after abdicating the throne to Trevor Noah, occasionally popping up on Stephen Colbert’s Late Show, among other places, but TV’s siren call has beckoned him back for a new moment of zen. Stewart has signed a landmark four-year deal with HBO producing short-form content, with the option for much more.
For the time being at least, the deal will see Stewart producing short-form digital content to be showcased on HBO Now, HBO Go and various other platforms, with the aid of cloud graphics company OTOY Inc. More tantalizingly, the agreement also includes an HBO first-look option for additional film and TV projects.
Said HBO of the news:
Jon Stewart led a revolution that changed the face of TV comedy on the Daily Show. He graced our network nearly 20 years ago, so we’re thrilled to welcome back his immense talents in this next chapter of his career.
Added Stewart:
Appearing on television 22 minutes a night clearly broke me. I’m pretty sure I can produce a few minutes of content every now and again.
One naturally wonders if the presence of Stewart’s old Daily Show pal John Oliver helped to sweeten the deal, but what can we expect early on of Jon’s TV return? Could another talk series end up in the works, or will Stewart stick to short-form?
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