Marvel: Don’t Expect a TV and Movie Crossover Anytime Soon
With a popular new television show and movie coming out every six months or so, it can sometimes feel like this whole superhero thing comes pretty easy for Marvel. This has led some people to wonder why the studio hasn’t taken the next step and intermingled the characters from both channels. Who would say no to a Spider-Man movie with a Daredevil team-up? Or Iron Fist consulting Doctor Strange on the mystical arts?
If only it were that easy. In a recent conversation with /Film, Marvel Television president Jeph Loeb explained the major differences between a television and movie production schedule and why we are unlikely to see a Marvel crossover anytime soon.
I can tell you that part of the challenge of doing this sort of thing is that the movies are planned out years in advance of what it is that we are doing. Television moves at an incredible speed. The other part of the problem is that when you stop and think about it, if I’m shooting a television series and that’s going to go on over a six-month or eight-month period, how am I going to get Mike [Colter] to be able to go be in a movie? I need Mike to be in a television show.
This shouldn’t come as a surprise for anyone who follows the production status on both Marvel movies and television shows, but Loeb does a good job of explaining the challenges of a crossover to anyone who forgets that Marvel is making a really complicated production slate look really pretty easy. If you’re a fan of shows like Daredevil and Jessica Jones, odds are also good that this is a trade-off you are very comfortable making. Would you rather see Jones pop into an Avengers movie for 15 or 20 minutes total or have her own series dedicated to the development of one of Marvel’s most interesting characters?
And it goes without saying that Marvel has also adjusted the scope and scale for most of its television shows very nicely. The Marvel movies are all about superheroes on the grandest stage possible: saving the world, defeating powerful supervillians and sometimes dusting up against each other in the process. By contrast, the Netflix television shows have a sense of community. Daredevil may not fight Thanos anytime soon, but he is a character who has always looked to make a difference for those most directly affected by crime. This means a different kind of superhero for different types of fans, with everyone finding something that they hopefully can enjoy.