Matt Damon Takes Over ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live!’
A joke ten years in the making, last night Jimmy Kimmel fans were in for a treat as the oft-put upon Matt Damon finally got his revenge on the late-night host. No longer would Kimmel close his every 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' broadcast with "apologies to Matt Damon," but rather the prolific movie star duct-taped Kimmel to a chair and took over the program from the beginning. Along with a host of guest stars including Robin Williams and Ben Affleck, check out Damon's take-over of 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' inside!
Following his move to 11:35 P.M., Jimmy Kimmel has come out of the gate strong in his bid to prove himself the next greatest late-night host. Last night's 'Jimmy Kimmel Live!' staged a unique format in which Kimmel's long-time friend and put-down rival Matt Damon took over the show, duct-taping Kimmel to a chair.
Damon went the whole night with Kimmel in the chair, interviewing Kimmel's ex Sarah Silverman, and hobnobbing with celebrity guest stars Robin Williams and Andy Garcia, even fending off the likes of one-time creative partner Ben Affleck, still loyal to Kimmel. ABC assembled various clips from the outing, which despite Kimmel's handicap proved one of the better shows of the comedian's career.
Watch Matt Damon take over 'Jimmy Kimmel Live!' below, and tell us who you think makes the best late-night host in the comments!
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