An ‘Orange Is the New Black’ Sequel Series Is Under Discussion
Orange Is the New Black is among the first wave of Netflix shows that really broke through to the mainstream, and helped reinvent the streaming site as a place where people watched old movies to a place where people came to watch Netflix shows (and movies occasionally). The stellar prison drama will wrap up its run following its upcoming seventh season — but apparently that may not end the Orange Is the New Black TV Universe. (Known to die-hard fans as the OITNBTVU. Just ask them, they’ll tell you.)
Lionsgate TV chairman Kevin Beggs told The Hollywood Reporter that his company has had discussions with OINTB series creator Jenji Kohan about a “potential sequel to the series.” On an earnings call he noted:
We’re really proud of the long run that Orange Is the New Black had. It remains one of Netflix’s most-watched shows. We’re ending on a high note. Keep in mind we own that series and will be distributing it for years to come. We’re already in discussions and, when the timing is right, we’ll talk further with Jenji about a potential sequel.
It is very easy to see a bunch of different OINTB sequels. The show has created one of the deepest benches of acting talent on television (or phones that play content). Members of any of the different factions within the prison could get their own spinoff outside its walls, trying to adjust to civilian life. Or you could do another show in the prison set years earlier, with a different set of inmates. And you could call it Orange Is the New Orange Is the New Black or something. There’s a lot of potential there.
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