Robert Pattinson Says His Batman Is ‘Not a Hero’
There’s very little we actually know about The Batman at this point. We know who The Batman is — Robert Pattinson — and we know he’ll be facing off with Zoe Kravitz’s Catwoman in a film directed by Matt Reeves. Beyond that ... not a whole lot.
You can get a better sense of at least the tone of The Batman, and the type of Batman we’re going to see in it, from a new interview with Pattinson in The New York Times. After talking a bit about Pattinson’s new movie, The Lighthouse, the conversation turns to Batman, who Pattinson describes in a very interesting way. In his eyes, Batman is not a hero.
As Pattinson puts it:
Batman’s not a hero, though. He’s a complicated character. I don’t think I could ever play a real hero — there’s always got to be something a little bit wrong. I think it’s because one of my eyes is smaller than the other one.
Pattinson also added that he took the part because he loves Matt Reeves and because Batman is “a dope character” whose “morality is a little bit off” because he’s “not the golden boy, unlike almost every other comic-book character.” Will we see these ideas reflected in The Batman? We’ll find out when the movie opens in theaters on June 25, 2021.
Gallery — Actors Who’ve Appeared in Both Marvel and DC Movies:
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