Rumor: ‘Silver Sable’ Solo Film Back in Development at Sony
Emails from that notorious Sony hack revealed interesting plans for the Spider-Man universe, which included Drew Goddard’s Sinister Six film and an all-female Spidey character spinoff tentatively titled Glass Ceiling. When the studio teamed up with Marvel to reboot the web-slinger (again), those plans were taken off the table, but it looks like one project might be resurfacing (again).
In the latest episode of Meet the Movie Press, Jeff Sneider says Sony still wants to make a movie based on Silver Sable, the Marvel character who’s had ties to Spider-Man and has appeared in his comics many times over the years. The studio is reportedly interested in getting a script from Abi Morgan, the screenwriter behind the acclaimed Steve McQueen drama Shame.
Silver Sable is a mercenary and, like Black Widow, lacks any actual super powers, which gives her a bit of an edge. It’s a potentially exciting project and one that could give us a great new female superhero — though it’d be a bit disappointing if Sony made Silver Sable before Marvel Studios finally gives fans the Black Widow solo film we’ve been waiting for.
Marvel and Sony are collaborating on Spider-Man: Homecoming, with both studios repeatedly making it clear that the former is leading the creative charge on the rebooted franchise. That may also include plans for an expanded universe, which would cover Silver Sable. And with Marvel’s involvement, that project could very well get us closer to Black Widow…and maybe even a cool crossover with the two characters.
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