King Shark Returning for Full ‘Flash’ Episode, With Bonus Diggle Crossover
The Flash managed to astonish its fans with the full-fledged appearance of a 14-foot King Shark, an admittedly expensive effect on an already stretched budget. Arrow star David Ramsey teased that we might see the Suicide Squad member again, and now we know for certain King Shark will have his day, with a full episode and crossover to boot.
Where Ramsey himself had previously revealed that Diggle (and wife Lyla, Audrey Marie Anderson) would crossover with The Flash in pursuit of a certain bipedal shark, ComicBook.com confirms that the monstrous villain will return in the season’s 15th episode. Says executive producer Andrew Kreisberg of the effort:
The Diggles arrive in Central City to help Barry take on King Shark who has escaped from ARGUS and is hellbent on completing his mission of destroying The Flash.
When last we saw the towering beast, sent to Earth-2 to kill Barry at Zoom’s behest, the likewise-foreign incarnation of Harrison Wells managed to bring down King Shark with some well-placed weaponry. At the time, Kreisberg noted the sequence as “a very expensive 30 seconds,” as well that “obviously we can’t afford to do an entire King Shark episode.” Way to shake that paper loose, boys!
For those unfamiliar, DC’s King Shark was initially created as a Superboy villain, supposedly the son of a “Shark God,” and has varied from an anthropomorphic Great White to a Hammerhead depiction. Occasionally included in the Suicide Squad (and initially rumored for the David Ayer film), the character was also included in The Flash: Season Zero tie-in comic, albeit with a significantly less monstrous appearance:
In the meantime, so reads The Flash Season 2 synopsis for January 19 return “Potential Energy”:
JOE AND IRIS GET TO KNOW WALLY — Now that they’ve grown closer, Barry (Grant Gustin) considers telling Patty (guest star Shantel VanSanten) that he is The Flash. Meanwhile, Joe (Jesse L. Martin) and Iris (Candice Patton) try to get to know Wally (Keiynan Lonsdale), and the team hunts down a meta-human who can slow time itself.
You can check out the latest trailers below, but how much time might The Flash fans have to spend with King Shark this season?
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