‘Ant-Man’ Behind-the-Scenes Photo Revealed, But Who’s the Man in the Suit?
Now that 'The World's End' is out of the way, Edgar Wright can get back to finishing up what he calls just "a little something," 'Ant-Man.' The director revealed the first behind-the-scenes shot of our superhero in action on the set, but the question is, who is the man in the suit?
While 2014 is reserved for 'Captain America 2' and 'Guardians of the Galaxy,' the following year will be reserved for 'Ant-Man' and 'The Avengers 2.' Now, Joss Whedon has already begun looking for his newest additions to the crew, with Elizabeth Olsen and Aaron Taylor-Johnson up for Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, but has Wright secretly gone ahead and cast his title superhero without telling us?
Perhaps this photo is just a special effects test, similar to the test footage shown a couple Comic-Cons ago, to give an idea of what's in store. 'Ant-Man' is currently set for release on July 31, 2015, so we still have plenty of waiting to go. Though, 'Batman vs. Superman,' another 2015 release, already revealed its newest addition, so ...
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