Some new photos from the Cleveland set of 'Captain America 2' have revealed a surprising look at one of the first film's characters we thought wouldn't return for the sequel. Who is showing up in 'Cap 2' and what do they look like now? There be spoilers ahead!

As you'll see in the below photo, Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) does indeed return in 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier,' and she has aged gracefully. According to Cleveland Heights Patch (via Bleeding Cool), the setting of Ms. Carter's return was a house that had been transformed for the film into a nursing home for war veterans. The scene has Steve Rogers (Chris Evans), still young and virile of course, visiting fellow soldiers from WWII and running into his lady love from the first film.

This might complicate things with Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), whom the Captain appears to be romancing in the movie.

The last time we brought you some pics from the Cleveland set of 'Captain America 2', they were a bit more action-packed, with looks at Cap and Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan) dueling it out in the streets.

'Captain America: The Winter Soldier' opens on April 4, 2014.


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