Larry David Confirms ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ Season 10 Is Happening
Larry David has carte blanche at HBO for as much Curb Your Enthusiasm as he sees fit, but might we have to wait another six years? Evidently not, as David reveals he’ll soon start working toward a tenth season, while Season 9 is even bigger than we thought.
Ahead of this coming Sunday’s Season 9 premiere (Season 8 last aired in 2011), David and executive producer Jeff Schaffer revealed to Entertainment Weekly that a great many episodes exceeded the half-hour runtime with ideas David accumulated over the years. As Schaffer put it, viewers will get more than their HBO subscription’s worth of new episodes:
Almost every show is longer than a half an hour, and some are going to go way, way longer. When we were writing the outlines, we just kept putting stories and scenes we liked. And then we found lots more fun stuff as we were shooting, so we ended up with way more than 10 episodes worth.
If you were wondering whether said extensions would have to hold us over until a potential tenth season, there’s good news there as well. Speaking with USA Today, David appeared to confirm a tenth season in development with suggestions that he’d return to work after Season 9:
David is still editing the 10-episode Curb season, ‘then I’ll probably start thinking about another season,’ he says, confirming plans to keep going. (Phew.) ‘It won’t be six years’ until the next one.
For what it’s worth, co-star J.B. Smoove also previously suggested that Curb was likely to return for Season 10, if only for a more well-rounded box-set. We’ll get a sense of how much more Larry has to say with Sunday’s Season 9 premiere, so stay tuned for the latest.