‘Deadpool’ Star Ryan Reynolds Says ‘X-Force’ Is His Priority
Fox has yet to officially green light the X-Force film, but if Deadpool does as well as early tracking suggests (promo screening buzz has been pretty positive from general audiences) and if Ryan Reynolds has his way, it won’t be long before we see the Merc With a Mouth team up with the X-Force for his own superhero team movie. Given Reynolds’ success in getting a proper Deadpool adaptation off the ground, this seems fairly likely.
A couple of years back, Fox tapped Kick-Ass 2 director Jeff Wadlow to write the script for a potential X-Force movie, but when Tim Miller’s Deadpool concept footage conveniently “leaked” online, the studio put that film on the fast-track and placed X-Force on the back burner. In an interview with German outlet Filmstarts, Reynolds spoke about his future in the X-Men universe and revealed that making an X-Force movie is a priority — for him, anyway:
There’s so much material to mine in just the X-Men universe … In the future, if we’re doing a bunch moreDeadpool movies, we’re really going to explore the X-Men a lot. We’ll see. And maybe X-Force — X-Force is my priority. I really want to get that in.
Concept art for the proposed X-Force movie hit the internet this past December, showing off a team that includes Cable, Domino, Feral, Cannonball and Warpath — with no Deadpool in sight. But if Reynolds’ solo film performs well enough, that could totally change. Wadlow wrote a screenplay, but X-Force isn’t on Fox’s superhero release schedule and they still don’t have a director. It’s possible that they may decide to give Deadpool a sequel before heading into X-Force, which would allow them to introduce key members, like Cable, whom Reynolds has said he’d like to include in a sequel.
X-Force was born from a revamped version of the New Mutants, another project Fox has in development with Josh Boone (The Fault in Our Stars) set to write and direct. Fans may have also noticed that Brianna Hildebrand’s Negasonic Teenage Warhead wears a New Mutants costume in Deadpool, so feel free to speculate about what that means.
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