‘Game of Thrones’ Season 7 Confirms TWO Major Jon Snow Meetings
Game of Thrones has Season 7 spoilers pretty well under control, unless you’re the costume designer. A new interview with Michele Clapton lets slip that Jon Snow will have not one, but two long-awaited introductions this season, and the outfits to match.
You’re warned of Game of Thrones Season 7 spoilers from here on out, but just about everyone presumed Jon Snow would meet Daenerys Targaryen at some point, with most indicators pointing to the coming run of episodes. Clapton essentially confirmed as much in conversation with UPROXX, noting that she made specific clothing choices for Jon’s trip to Dragonstone, as well as his first encounter with Queen Cersei:
We had a lot of discussions about does the cape give him presence or is it better to not have that presence? What are we trying to say? There are times when we removed it because we wanted him to be more vulnerable. Especially I think, when he saw Dany, and he went to see her for the first time in her chamber. We decided to remove it, but then when he went to see Cersei, we put it on.
Jon seems pretty well all over the map this season, what with recent trailers concentrating on another undead battle up north of The Wall. Then again, Season 6 essentially threw travel-times out the window, and there’s plenty of scorched and frozen earth to cover in the next seven episodes alone.
We’ll see how long it takes Jon Snow to cross paths with Westeros’ other major players, but stay tuned for more from this Sunday’s coming premiere.
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