Guillermo Del Toro Is Polling on Twitter for a ‘Hellboy III’ So Go Vote Right Now!
Hellboy III has practically joined the ranks of all those other sequels and ideas for movies and franchises that were rumored but never took off, either because of a lack of funds, or the actors or directors lost interest, or any number of other reasons. Guillermo del Toro has still remained enthusiastic about his Hellboy series — as he is about all of his other projects — and today he decided to see how many of his fans are still hoping for a third installment.
First, he decided to have a little fun on Twitter, where he posted a poll asking his followers how they’d feel about a Hellboy III. The answers are bound to be a little skewed, since the only two choices are “Yes” and “Hell, yes.”
Haha okay, fun joke, but after a couple hours it seems del Toro realized the poll was getting pretty popular, so he tweeted this:
I can’t actually decide if my favorite part is that he’s considering the movie again, or that he called Ron Perlman “Da Perl.” A few months ago Perlman did say that another Hellboy is not in the cards for him at the moment, but he also mentioned that he’d answer the call if del Toro decided to do it. Hint hint.
Del Toro has historically had a hard time getting his projects from concept to screen, but dang it, they’re worth every penny. His (very good!) Trollhunters Netflix series started out as a movie idea before it was relegated to a graphic novel, which then got picked up as a concept by the streaming service (which has lately been giving its creators more or less full reign on whatever they want to do). But Hellboy III has reached Gilliamesque levels of doomed, and now it looks like it’s up to the fans to decide whether it happens. And the numbers look good: with 21 hours left on the poll at time of writing, it already had almost 15,000 total votes. If you’re ready for Red and Abe and the rest to suit up with the BPRD once again, better get clicking!
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