Marvel’s Phase 3 Films Officially Announced! Eight New Superhero Films Coming Through 2019
No one knew quite what to expect when Marvel Studios put together a very mysterious press conference, earlier today. But then Marvel honcho Kevin Feige took the stage and proceeded to not waste anyone's time. Are you ready for an eight-film "Phase Three" to follow in the aftermath of 'Avengers 2'? Well, you better be, because they've gone and announced titles and release dates.
Although Feige didn't go into detail about many of the new films (why would he?), the titles alone speak volumes. Let's run this down. Try to keep your heart from beating too fast, fellow nerds.
'Captain America: Civil War'
'Captain America 3' movie will be officially titled 'Captain America: Civil War' and will be released on May 6, 2016. As we've previously reported, this film will see Steve Rogers go head-to-head with Tony Stark in a showdown so big that 'Batman vs. Superman' fled from this release date.
'Doctor Strange'
'Doctor Strange' was officially announced for November 4, 2016, a few months later than originally expected. With Benedict Cumberbatch only just now being cast in the title role, it makes sense -- they have a little more prep time to get this one right.
'Guardians of the Galaxy 2'
In a move that isn't too surprising, 'Guardians of the Galaxy 2' was bumped up from its original July 2017 release date and given the cushy May 5, 2017 spot. Now that's how you capitalize on a surprise success!
'Thor: Ragnarok'
The title of the third 'Thor' film was revealed to be 'Thor: Ragnarok' and as you'd imagine from a title like that, things are going to get awfully apocalyptic. Chris Hemsworth will return (of course), but so will Tom Hiddleston's Loki.
And then Marvel started getting into the new titles. Hold onto your butts...
'Black Panther'
'Black Panther' will be released on November 3, 2017, beating DC's 'Cyborg' to the screen by three years. Yes, Marvel will be the first to introduce a black superhero in his own solo film and that's really cool. And they officially revealed the casting of Chadwick Boseman as the title hero to boot!
'Captain Marvel'
But wait! There's more! The long-rumored 'Captain Marvel' film will arrive on July 6, 2018, giving Marvel its first female-led solo superhero film. Feige promises that this will be a "cosmic" adventure in the vein of 'Guardians of the Galaxy.'
And then there's 'Inhumans,' which will be released on November 2, 2018. We'd be scratching our heads at such an obscure title getting its own movie if 'Guardians of the Galaxy' wasn't already such a huge hit.
'Avengers: Infinity War'
Finally, that brings us to the biggest news of the day: 'Avengers: Infinity War' will be a two-part film, with the first half opening on May 4, 2018 and part two opening in May 2019.
To sum everything up:
May 1, 2015 - 'Avengers: Age of Ultron'
July 17, 2015 - 'Ant-Man'
May 6, 2016 - 'Captain America: Civil War'
November 4, 2016 - 'Doctor Strange'
May 5, 2017 - 'Guardians of the Galaxy 2' (previously dated 7/28/17)
July 28, 2017 - 'Thor: Ragnarok'
November 3, 2017 - 'Black Panther'
May 4, 2018 - 'Avengers: Infinity War Part I'
July 6, 2018 - 'Captain Marvel'
November 2, 2018 - 'Inhumans'
May 3, 2019 - 'Avengers: Infinity War Part II'
It's a lot to take in, but this event was pretty much Marvel Studios staring Warner Bros. and DC in the face and throwing down the gauntlet. The next few years are going to be very, very interesting for comic book movie fans.
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