It’s Time For the ‘Russian Doll’ Season 2 Trailer
It’s been three years since the first season of Russian Doll debuted on Netflix and became one of the streaming service’s biggest word of mouth hits. But with the blink of an eye and a new trailer for the show’s long-awaited second season, it’s like those three years never happened at all. How fitting.
Series co-creator and star Natasha Lyonne returns in Russian Doll Season 2 as Nadia, who once again gets stuck in yet another time travel mystery — as she says in the trailer, she’s not a time traveler, she’s a time prisoner. (Aren’t we all?) Based on the trailer, it looks like this season centers on the New York City subway, and might involve actual travel back into the New York City past. Watch it below:
There’s also a new trippy new poster for the show as well:
Here is the season’s official synopsis:
Set four years after Nadia (Natasha Lyonne) and Alan (Charlie Barnett) escaped mortality’s time loop together, season two of RUSSIAN DOLL will continue to explore existential thematics through an often humorous and sci-fi lens. Discovering a fate even worse than endless death, this season finds Nadia and Alan delving deeper into their pasts through an unexpected time portal located in one of Manhattan’s most notorious locations, the New York City subway. At first they experience this as an ever-expanding, era-spanning, intergenerational adventure, but they soon discover this extraordinary event might be more than they bargained for and, together, must search for a way out.
Russian Doll Season 2 premieres on Netflix on April 20.
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