‘True Blood’ Premiere Spurts Out Final Season Trailer, Plus Last Night’s Big Death Clarified
Last night's 'True Blood' final season premiere "Jesus Gonna Be Here" gave the HBO vampire drama it's bloodiest opener yet, killing of a major character before the opening credits even rolled. Now, with only nine episodes remaining for the fangbanging hit, HBO has bled out one final full 'True Blood' season trailer, while last night's casualty has gone on the record to explain their shocking death.
You're warned of major spoilers for last night's 'True Blood' season 7 premiere, as well as the season at large, but the new trailer for the latest season firmly establishes that all characters' lives (or lack thereof) are indeed on the chopping block. Not only is Eric (Alexander Skarsgard) still nowhere to be found, but it seems as if Bill and Alcide will definitely come to blows over Sookie, who herself lead the charge in rescuing those taken by the Hep-V infected vampires.
And even though it seemed pretty definitive from the premiere that Tara was indeed no more, her off-screen death left more than a few folk questioning its validity. Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, Rutina Wesley seemed on board with the decision to kill off the character as a means to establish stakes for the final season, but hedged on whether or not Tara might still have a presence in the series. "She’s dead. But I can tease that dead doesn’t always mean gone on True Blood."
You can check out the full 'True Blood' season 7 trailer above, but what do you think? Was last night's shocking death too much to bear? Who else might bite the big one, and how permanent will it be? Give us your final season predictions for HBO's 'True Blood' in the comments!
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