‘Avengers: Infinity War’ Will Most Likely Be Directed by ‘Winter Soldier’ Duo Joe and Anthony Russo
Just last month, when Marvel announced ‘Captain America: Civil War,’ there was an additional little nugget of news/rumor tucked into that surprising reveal: Marvel was eyeing ‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’ directors Joe and Anthony Russo to helm ‘Avengers: Infinity War.’ That’s in addition to their responsibilities directing ‘Civil War.’ As it turns out, the rumors are true, and the Russo brothers are indeed the frontrunners to direct the two-part ‘Infinity War,’ which would also confirm what we’ve known for some time: Joss Whedon won’t be back.
Buried in their report about Daniel Bruhl’s casting as the villain in ‘Civil War,’ Deadline dropped in a little piece of news regarding ‘Avengers: Infinity War,’ with Marvel putting Joe and Anthony Russo at the top of their list to direct the epic, two-part film. It makes sense, given that the Russo brothers delivered on ‘The Winter Soldier’ well enough to warrant a return for ‘Civil War,’ but it also makes sense with how closely tied ‘Civil War’ and ‘Infinity War’ will be, narratively-speaking.
We all know that Marvel has an overall design, but those two projects in particular are going to be very closely tied together, and it would probably suit the company well to have the same director or directors working on both projects—not just for visual and narrative sake, but for continuity as well.
‘Avengers: Infinity War’ will shoot back to back, and along with ‘Civil War,’ this won’t give the Russos a whole lot of breathing room. It’ll also be interesting to see what happens when Joss Whedon’s contract expires soon, and if he’ll remain on at Marvel in any advisory capacity, given how much his role there has shaped so much of the storytelling in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
‘Captain America: Civil War’ hits theaters on May 6, 2016, while ‘Avengers: Infinity War—Part 1’ hits on May 4, 2018, and ‘Infinity War—Part 2’ will arrive on May 3, 2019.
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