‘Beauty and the Beast’ Prequel Series Delayed
Disney has gotten so deep into the world of live-action remakes of their animated classics, that they’ve started branching out into live-action TV shows based on animated movies, like the previously announced Beauty and the Beast TV series, both. The show, which was formally unveiled last June, is supposed to follow Luke Evans’ Gaston and Josh Gad’s LeFou on some sort of adventure prior to the events of the movie.
The show has been casting and supposedly was going to start shooting in the near future. But now, according to Variety, the show is “being postponed for an undetermined amount of time due to creative and scheduling issues.” As for when it might happen, or if it will happen at all, these two sentences do not sound promising...
The show was meant to begin shooting this summer in Europe, but certain creative elements were not yet ready, which would have delayed shooting. Given the scheduling issues this would cause with the show’s cast as well as weather constraints, it was decided to hold off and revisit the show at a later date.
The Gaston and LeFou show was supposed to run for eight episodes with a new original score from Alan Menken, the composer of Beauty and the Beast. When it was first announced a Disney executive had described as something “for anyone who’s ever wondered how a brute like Gaston and a goof like LeFou could have ever become friends and partners, or how a mystical enchantress came to cast that fateful spell on the prince-turned-beast, this series will finally provide those answers.” I guess if you were genuinely curious about those answers, you are going to be waiting a while, or potentially forever.
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