‘Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 2′ to Hit Netflix and IMAX on the Same Day
It was only a matter of time before Netflix got into the movie business. The home of original programming like 'Orange Is the New Black' and 'House of Cards' has set 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: The Green Legend' as its first day-and-date feature film release, with the movie hitting the streaming service the same day as it hits select IMAX theaters thanks to a special deal with The Weinstein Company.
As reported by Deadline, Netflix will release the sorta-sequel to Ang Lee's acclaimed 2001 film on August 28, 2015, the same day it hits select IMAX theaters. The new film will be directed by martial arts choreographer and legend Yuen Woo-ping from a script by John Fusco, who also wrote the first episode of Netflix's upcoming series 'Marco Polo.' Michelle Yeoh will reprise her role from the first film, and Donnie Yen will co-star.
'The Green Legend' is based on the fifth book in the 'Crane-Iron Pentalogy' by Wang Du Lu, titled, 'Silver Vase, Iron Knight,' while the original 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon' was based on the fourth book in that series.
Deadline also reports that this isn't the only original feature that Netflix is working on -- meaning that the streaming service is officially getting into the film game. It took some time before the service found its groove with original programming worthy enough to rival television, but now that they have, it's hard not to weigh the perks of Netflix vs. cable subscription. While they still don't have nearly the amount and variety of serial programming to compete with television, the idea that Netflix is moving in the direction of offering original films day-and-date gives consumers yet another reason to consider staying home.
Until Netflix is able to offer the same day-and-date options as VOD, however, most consumers will have a hard time letting go of their cable subscriptions.
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