Yesterday we got an awesome new look at Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool, in one of the most faithful costumes for a comic book movie we’ve ever seen. Following that photo, 20th Century Fox has released two more of the Merc With the Mouth, and in one of them he’s not alone — he’s joined by his super-powered pal, Negasonic Teenage Warhead.

Check out the new photos below, courtesy of EW and Empire:

Empire / 20th Century Fox
Empire / 20th Century Fox
EW / 20th Century Fox
EW / 20th Century Fox

That’s newcomer Brianna Hildebrand as Negasonic Teenage Warhead, a character with precognitive and telepathic abilities. In the X-Men comics, she was once a student of Emma Frost.

The new Deadpool solo film centers on Wade Wilson, a former Special Ops soldier who becomes the mercenary known as Deadpool after he’s subjected to a series of torturous tests that leave him with the ability to heal very quickly (sort of like Wolverine). Reynolds and 20th Century Fox have remained very transparent about the production, offering plenty of photo updates for fans along the way. Without fan enthusiasm following that great Deadpool short film last year, this movie wouldn’t be possible.

Reynolds and Hildebrand’s co-stars include TJ Miller as Weasel, Morena Baccarin as Copycat, Gina Carano as Angel Dust and former Game of Thrones star Ed Skrein as Ajax.

Deadpool hits theaters on February 12, 2016.

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