The ‘Arrested Development’ Cast Is Not Happy About Season 4’s Recut
There may not be enough money in the banana stand for this one. In light of a recut fourth season aimed at fixing fan complaints and snagging syndication, the Arrested Development cast is demanding additional compensation from the series’ profits.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, stars Jason Bateman, Will Arnett, Michael Cera and David Cross are asking 20th Century Fox TV for additional compensation, now that Season 4’s original 15 episodes have been re-edited into 22 for a more attractive syndication package. It seems the majority of cast was paid $100,000 for their standalone episodes, $50,000 for episodes with minor screentime and $25,000 for “ones in which they barely appeared.” Redistributing footage across additional episodes apparently throws that pay ratio out of whack.
Creator Mitch Hurwitz described the long-brewing recut as both a comedic experiment and “an experiment to find out, well … I guess ‘if I could make some money.’” The studio argues it has the right to recut already-shot material, though the cast is apparently concerned the company “stands poised for a financial windfall thanks to a possible syndication pact.” A recut Season 4 brings the episode total to 75 – with Season 5 poised to add an additional 17 – and a subsequent syndication deal could “effectively [reduce] the pay-per-episode that was negotiated.”
It remains to be seen if cast concerns will impact the Arrested Development Season 5 press tour, given the imminent May 29 premiere. Watch the trailer below, and stay tuned for the latest.
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