‘Daredevil’ Bosses Talk Season 3 Potential, ‘Jessica Jones’ Connection
Likely as it seems that Marvel will prove as quick to renew Daredevil for Season 3 as last year, we don’t yet know when The Defenders will pull the cast toward a team-up miniseries. Daredevil showrunners Doug Petrie and Marco Ramirez aren’t talking either, though they at least know where the various Daredevil Season 2 threads might pick up, and how Jessica Jones might be involved.
You’re warned of full spoilers for Daredevil Season 2 (and Jessica Jones) from here on out, but Petrie and Ramirez played understandably coy with The Hollywood Reporter on news of a third season, particularly which series might follow up on such dangling threads as Elektra’s resurrection, the “Black Sky,” Punisher’s exit or Matt revealing his horned secret identity to Karen. The duo wouldn’t acknowledge that said stories were built to pick up in a third season, necessarily, but rather that:
Ramirez: Marvel TV and Jeph Loeb have a solid plan for how everything will weave into everything. We definitely crafted it with the goal of feeding into the larger Marvel TV Universe because they have such a specific plan of action for Marvel and Netflix. That was just our hope, to make sure that it worked as its own season of TV and also as fitting in to the larger world of all the other shows.
In the case of Elektra at least, both showrunners at least confirmed more specific plans for Matt’s partner in love and war, as well the mystical questions unanswered by the season:
Petrie: We know that Elektra is the Black Sky. And we know that the Black Sky is a very powerful tool for the Hand. And we know that the Hand is up to no damn good. The clues can be found in the canon and in the comics, but we do hope that our viewers feel that we’re not done telling this story just yet.
Perhaps most surprising of all, however, was that Foggy met with Jessica Jones’ Jeryn Hogarth (Carrie-Anne Moss) to discuss a position at her firm, which would seemingly either tie a third season to Jessica Jones, guarantee Elden Henson a spot in their second season, or perhaps set up additional crossover for Iron Fist, the character most commonly tied to Hogarth in the books. On that, the Daredevil showrunners seemed to acknowledge that the various series would grow closer, not expand outward in different directions:
Petrie: We’ve noticed that with our fans, with Easter eggs and crossovers a little goes a long way. Those worlds will definitely be overlapping and we’re threading them in as slowly and as carefully as we can weave them.
Following the announcement of Luke Cage’s premiere, there’s no guarantee Marvel or Netflix will confirm anything about future Defenders or their individual series’ scheduling over the coming months. Still, should Daredevil Season 3 move forward, or rather feed into other series setting up the big crossover?
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