The ubiquitous popularity and controversy of HBO’s Game of Thrones provides more and more discussion fodder with each week, though the franchise’s literary creator has had his fill. Weary of fans beleaguering him to comment on the HBO series’ most recent shockers, George R.R. Martin would like you to leave him alone, please. Books don’t write themselves!

While we’ve heard Martin chime in on a number of developments this season, from characters absent the series to Sansa’s dire fate, though it seems the latest uproar over Shireen Baratheon’s fiery end (unwritten in the books, but attributed to Martin nonetheless) has tipped the scales of Martin’s patience. Feeling “stressed,” Martin outlined a few frustrations in his recent LiveJournal post, including the frequent fan inquiries:

Meanwhile, other wars are breaking out on other fronts, centered around the last few episodes of GAME OF THRONES. It is not my intention to get involved in those, nor to allow them to take over my blog and website, so please stop emailing me about them, or posting off-topic comments here on my Not A Blog. Wage those battles on Westeros, or Tower of the Hand, or Boiled Leather, or Winter Is Coming, or Watchers on the Walls. Anyplace that isn’t here, actually.

Yes, I know that THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER named me “the third most powerful writer in Hollywood” last December. You would be surprised at how little that means. I cannot control what anyone else says or does, or make them stop saying or doing it, be it on the fannish or professional fronts. What I can control is what happens in my books, so I am going to return to that chapter I’ve been writing on THE WINDS OF WINTER now, thank you very much.

Martin certainly has a point, with the HBO drama continually diverging from and speeding past his own written word, to the point the author opted to sit out writing episodes for Seasons 5 and 6 in favor of finishing The Winds of Winter. Martin will even sit out Comic-Con this year, meaning we’ll have to pester someone else over the next inevitable controversy.

Speaking of which, take a look at Sunday’s finale, and prepare yourself for the long night of waiting for Season 6! And stop emailing George R.R. Martin, guys. Man’s busy.

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