Josh Brolin Calls ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ the Most Fun He’s Ever Had
You know who’s having quite the August? Josh Brolin is having quite the August. The past few weeks have brought us no fewer than three decent-sized stories featuring Brolin’s work, including our first look at his character in Deadpool 2, the news that he had been cut from George Clooney’s upcoming Suburbicon, and, unquestionably my favorite, the fact that James Cameron actually cussed him out for turning down a role in Avatar 2. Some actors are lucky if they have a single movie make news headlines in a month; Brolin has made the rounds with three fun stories from three entirely separate franchises.
Make it four. In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly (via Heroic Hollywood), Brolin also had an opportunity to talk up his work in Avengers: Infinity War, the long-awaited crossover between all of the characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The actor has some pretty glowing comments about the production:
I love doing Avengers, it’s maybe the most fun I’ve ever had. I just saw a little snippet of it, and it was amazing. The cutting-edge technology of what they’re doing — what I’ve seen is absolutely mind-blowing. When I saw it on screen, it was me, but also not like me. It’s really strange.
Feel free to roll your eyes a little if you’d like; no single studio operating today is as good at generating these types of soundbites as Marvel. Still, as many of you will remember, Brolin’s first acting credit came in 1985’s The Goonies when the actor was only 17 years old, so if anyone knows a thing or two about the ups and down of Hollywood productions, it’s Brolin. With Deadpool 2, Avengers: Infinity War, and the Sicario sequel Soldado all set to hit in 2018, there’s a pretty good case to be made that Brolin is about to have a better 2018 than any other actor in Hollywood. Let’s hope he enjoys press junkets.
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