Was That ‘Wonder Woman’ Easter Egg on ‘Legends of Tomorrow’ a One-Off?
Now that the Arrow-verse appears to have its own Batman, can a Wonder Woman be far behind? This week’s Legends of Tomorrow dropped an Amazonian hint at one of DC Comics’ biggest characters, but producers might want us to cool our invisible jets for now.
You’re warned of light Legends of Tomorrow spoilers from here on out, but where Arrow mysteriously got the green light to reference Batman’s alter-ego, it seems Legends similarly thought to leave fans in Wonder. Tuesday’s “Helen Hunt” (it made sense in context) ended on an out-of-nowhere visit to Diana’s homeland, as Zari dropped Helen of Troy off to start a new live on Themiscyra. It was several thousand years in the past, mind you, but still an island noted as full of warrior women with “no boys allowed.”
This isn’t the first time Arrow or one of its sister series has hinted at Wonder Woman (Flash briefly referenced the character’s nemesis, Cheetah), but it’s certainly the most explicit. All the same, Bustle got confirmation from Warner Bros. TV that “this Themyscira location won’t be seen again, as the moment was just that — a fun moment. No Amazonian women will show up later, and this will be the last we hear of Wonder Woman’s home.” Buzzkill.
It’s at least worth wondering why DC has suddenly become so generous with its Arrow-verse references, as Deathstroke was seemingly off-limits between Seasons 3 and 5, and poor Harley Quinn had to go unnamed in an earlier cameo. Only Flash gets a free pass, it seems, even as Wonder Woman was once in line for her own CW Amazon series.
Hopefully the upcoming “Crisis on Earth-X” will keep the crossover fun rolling, so stay tuned.
Gallery: 12 Times the ‘Arrow’-Verse Overwhelmingly Hinted at Batman
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