Comic-Con 2015: ‘Arrow’ Gets New S4 Look, Plus Anarky and Mister Terriffic
DC continues to dominate the day after this morning’s Batman v Superman panel, as The CW’s Arrow takes the stage at Comic-Con 2015‘s mammoth Superhero Saturday to preview Season 4. What new stars, sinister baddies and DC drops can we expect? Find out by our full panel recap of Arrow Season 4 from Comic-Con 2015!
- You can check out the first look at Oliver’s new costume here, but worth knowing is that Stephen Amell came out fully suited up, and led the crowd in a passionate plea to rejoin him in the quest to save STAR City, not Starling.Oh, and he’ll be saving the city as the Green Arrow, thank you very much. Onward!
- Amell later gave credit to Maya Mani, designer of all Arrow suits, while the new one should be considered “who he’s going to become.” Producers confirm that the tone will be lighter this year, with Oliver even willing to make jokes in his lair, which Stephen Amell summed up in saying “We’re going in a more Green Arrow-y direction.” We’ll also get to see Oliver in relationship mode, and happier in general.
- There will be much more DC characters behind Damien Dahrk, including Batman villain Anarky, and Mister Terrific joining Team Arrow. Andrew Kreisberg notes “Our version of Mister Terrific happens to be gay.” Also on the DC front, Thea will officially be going by Speedy now.
- Emily Bett Rickards told a great story about wearing the Atom armor, notably that Stephen Amell was delivering soulful doe-eyes to a 6'4" stuntman.
- Diggle won’t be masking up this season, though David Ramsey did preview that we could expect a helmet of some kind to protect his identity.
- Asked how Oliver would reclaim his billionaire fortune, Stephen Amell says “I have a sugar momma.” Emily Bett Rickards proceeds to make it rain. Amell also noted that none of the team are keeping secrets from each other anymore.
Thus far of Arrow Season 4, we know the fourth year is expected to somewhat creatively revamp the series after its Season 3 finale saw Oliver retiring the vigilante lifestyle, at least with his current costume. In addition to a focus on DC villains H.I.V.E. and Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough, Season 4 may also feature flashbacks amid Green Lantern’s hometown of Coast City, while creatively current Co-EP Wendy Mericle has been elevated to co-showrunner alongside Marc Guggenheim, and Punisher: War Zone director Lexi Alexander will helm an episode.
What more Arrow surprises lie in store between now and the October premiere? Stay tuned for more from Comic-Con 2015, and keep it here for all of DC’s other TV panels!
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